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Ezgi Aras « Takıma Dön
ezgi aras

I’m Ezgi Aras and I’m 16 years old. I love to do sports and I’m interested in music. Presently, I’m a 10th grade student at Hasan Türek Anatolian High School. In the past, I was in interested in various sports such as volleyball, basketball, indoor soccer, soccer, tennis and table tennis. I started swimming in the summer break oh 1st grade and with the intention not to stay alone and idle at home. I loved swimming both as a hobby and a sport so much. Thanks to MSSK, I started this sport as a professional and licensed athlete. Now I’m a successful swimmer who won medals but I like team sports more and therefore, I’m attracted to water polo. I learned water polo from MSSK again and it’s a sport I enjoy so much and practice. Water polo made me understand team sports better and it also enabled me to promote a different sport to the people I meet in my life out.

We’ve achieved success at MSSK thanks to the confidence our swimming and water polo coaches provide us, their trusts in us and surely the fact that we are working harder than everybody. We’ve managed to overcome all obstacles on our way in a very short while by being a family. But I believe that the main reason of our success is our love to water polo and our determination for success.
I love water polo so much and I never thinking of leaving this sport behind. I see MSSK as a club at a much better level with much more acknowledgement in 10 years from now on.