Manisa Su Sporları Kulübü Manisa Su Sporları Kulübü Manisa Su Sporları Kulübü Manisa Su Sporları Kulübü Manisa Su Sporları Kulübü Manisa Su Sporları Kulübü       tr en    
About Manisa

Manisa is situated in West Anatolia in between Spil (Sipylus) Mountain and Gediz River (formerly known as Hermus River). In its hills and valleys the effects of Mediterranean climate’s terrestrial type, and at its mountains and plateaus the influence of Central Anatolia climate can be seen. Summers are hot and dry, winters cold and rainy, when compared to the coastline.

Manisa is located in a central position in the transportation network of the Aegean region. It is famous for its Sultana grapes, Kirkagac melons, Akhisar olives, Salihli cherries, Koprubasi strawberries and Mesir paste.

Manisa is rapidly evolving in the fields of agriculture, commerce and industry. It is the third fastest industrializing city in Turkey and owns one of the most sophisticated and biggest organized industrial zones of the country. Manisa is the second largest city of the Aegean region with its population of 1.4 million.


History of Manisa

Manisa, which is admired by its nature and clean air, has a history that goes back to Paleolithic Era. The city hosted ancient settlements as Tantalis and Spylos Magnesia that are known to exist around the years 3.000 BC. Traces of Hittite, Phrygia, Lydia, Persia, Macedonia, Rome, Byzantium, Saruhan and Ottoman civilizations can be seen.

As a result, Manisa is extremely rich in historical ruins. Nearly the entire region known as Lydia during the ancient period, is located in Manisa. More than 20 ancient cities, including the well known Sardis City are also in Manisa province.

In the Ottoman period the city was also known as The City of Princes’. When the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire chooses one of his sons to be assigned to the Manisa Gideon, it was understood that the sehzade (prince) positioned in this city will be the Sultan in the future.



In addition to the historical areas that are mentioned earlier, Manisa also offers some other interesting places for tourists. Urganli Hot Springs are known for their healing abilities that can cure many types of illnesses. Bintepe Tumuli are the largest ones of their kind in Anatolia. Sidas is an ancient city that hides the history of Manisa inside. Manisa Castle that is located at the foothill of Mount Sipylus, Sultan Baths that continues to keep its originality for 500 years, and the internationally famous Weeping Rock that charms everyone with its mythological story are among the places that are in the “must see” list.