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Alper Bakıroğlu « Takıma Dön
Alper Bakıroğlu

I’m 32 years old. I’ve graduated from Marmara University, School of Physical Education and Sports. I work as a sports teacher at a private school. I’m leaving my fifth year behind in the institution I currently work for. I’ve been playing water polo for 20 years.

I’ve started swimming at 7 years old with the encouragement of my family. I swum until I was 12 years old and then I preferred water polo. I played 2 years for Galatasaray, 16- years for Istanbul Yuzme Ihtisas and 3 years for Adalar Water Sports clubs. I’ve lived several championships, runner up and 3rd places in the clubs I’ve played for at youth teams and A teams.

We had a good relation with my coach and friends for several years since I came to MSSK. We played together or as opponents with them for so many years. I see it as brilliant structure and it’s nice to be a part of it. I believe that water polo has helped me a lot to build a proper and orderly life. Many people around me get sick all the time but it’s something I rarely experience. In 10 years from now on, I see myself as a member of MSSK and I see MSSK as a club competing always for championship and which has many championships already.