Manisa Su Sporları Kulübü Manisa Su Sporları Kulübü Manisa Su Sporları Kulübü Manisa Su Sporları Kulübü Manisa Su Sporları Kulübü Manisa Su Sporları Kulübü       tr en    
Efecan Ötnü « Takıma Dön

My name is Efe Can Ötnü. I was born in 2001 with my twin sister Öykü Su Ötnü at İzmir Balçova Dokuz Eylül Hospital. We were born as preterm at the 26th week of my mother’s pregnancy. Therefore, I have celebrat palsie disease caused by preterm birth. My body balance is problematic and I’m having difficulties in walking due to this disease. In 2007 I had operations from both of my feet. In 2015 I had another operation from my right foot. I started elementary school at Gazi Elementary School. I’m quite successful at school, especially at science and social classes. I’m very curious about history. I read all history articles I can find. I have a good memory. I studied 6 years at Gazi School. Most of the elective classes were upstairs and therefore, I could not continue there. My family consulted Hedef Colleague. When my parents spoke about the 3 gold medals I won at swimming, they accepted me. I’m a student at Hedef Colleague for 2 years. In addition, I do swimming sport. In the evenings, I have rehabilitation works after school. I also prepare for TEOG exam. I join the courses arranged by Manisa Municipality in this manner. When my disease is discovered at very early ages, my family took me to swimming since I was one and half years old. I started swimming in 2007. My coach Şule saw me there and called me to the trainings. Then she taught me swim without arm floats and took me to the team. I’m continuing to swim regularly here for 4 years. I also started chess when I was five years old, before swimming. I joined chess tournaments. I made place in the tournament arranged at Akhisar. I won 2 bronze models in 2013/Istanbul and 4 gold medals in 2014/Mersin and 1 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze medal in 2015/Mersin at swimming in 8 years old group. And in 2009, I won 2 bronze medals at chees. In the beginning I trained with my beloved coaches Şule and Barkın. They behaved me so good and always supported me. Then I had lots of teammates. I had hundreds of athlete friends in the tournaments we participated. I joined camps twice. I separated from my family for the first time and it increased my self-confidence. I had great time with my friends. I’ve been so happy when I won medals. My friends spent more time with me. My teachers felt proud of me. My siblings were so happy. When I went to the doctors, they asked my photos taken with my medal. They showed me as an example to the other kids.
I’ve learned that the best sports for my disease is swimming. My muscles are very strong thanks to swimming. I’m very happy to be a member of MSSK.