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Ezgi Kapar « Takıma Dön
Ezgi Kapar

I’m Ezgi Kapar and I’m 8 years old. I’m a 2nd grade student at Cemal Ergün Elementary School. In the past, I made gymnastics for a year. I started swimming a year ago at MSSK with the encouragement of my family and in order to do sports. I won a medal in the swimming festival I participated a short while after joining MSSK, thanks to the hard trainings here and the support of my family and coaches. I physically developed and learned disciplined and devoted training through swimming.

I love swimming and I want it to be a part of my life always. Therefore, I will continue to train hard to develop as a successful swimmer and to get education in a good university in the future. My club has provided me good habits and believe that it will one of the leading clubs of Turkiye.