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Görkem Serttaş « Takıma Dön

I was born in 1993, in Burdur. I live in Manisa for 20 years. Before I started swimming in the elementary school, I was also interested in soccer, basketball and athletics. However, my curiosity and interest in swimming directed me to here. Presently, I’m a student at Celal Bayar University, BESYO Coaching department. I’ve done sports in all my life and I believe that sports supported my greatly for being a social and healthy person.

In my coaching life of almost 5 years, I worked at Yeni Yıldızlar Basketball School, Manisa Municipality Sports Club, ER-GU Sports Club and MNK Sports Schools and at MSSK finally. We have a warmer family environment and good friendships here compared to the other clubs.

Team spirit, friendships and the devoted trainings for personal development are key factors for success at the sports. MSSK possesses these key factors and I completely believe that MSSK will develop athletes to put signature to great national and international successes.